Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Inequalities Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Inequalities - Speech or Presentation Example If an individual BMI is between 17 and 22, then his/her life span might be longer than the average. If an individual BMI is between 23 and 25, then the individual is probably not overweight. If an individual BMI is equal to or greater than 26, then he/she is probably overweight and statistically likely to have lower life expectancy. If an individual BMI is between 25 and 29.9, then the individual is overweight and if BMI is equal to or greater than the 30, then the individual is obese (Dugopolski, 2012). Therefore, an individual who has the same height as mine and who weigh above 180.3 pounds is obese and will face serious problems in their life. Although, this interval theoretically extends to positive infinity, however, the weight of a human is eventually self-limiting. Then S = {w | w > 150.25 and w ≠¤ 180.30} where w represents the weight of the individual. Because the weight is between 150.25 and 180.30 (including), ‘w’ has to be larger than the smaller number (150.25) and smaller or equal to the larger number (180.30). In interval notation, this would be written as follows: X = (150.25, 180.30]. Left side parenthesis ‘(‘ and right side square bracket ‘]’ is used because of the > and ≠¤ symbols from the inequality. This demonstrates that 150.25 is not included in the solution set, however, 180.30 is included in the solution set. In conclusion, inequality can be used for determining weight range for individual for being normal weight, overweight and obese based on the body mass index (BMI). An individual of height 65 inches who weigh between 150 pounds and 180 pounds will be considered as overweight and weight greater than 180 pounds will be considered as obese. Both of these scenarios could results in shorter life span than average for the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Bush Sr & Clinton East Asian Security Approaches Essay Example for Free

Bush Sr Clinton East Asian Security Approaches Essay President Bush via a main strategic reappraisal as well as continuing below president Clinton together with the U. S Secretaries of Defense Aspin and Perry. The previous administration tried and it is still trying to come into good terms with domestic pressures. It wants a calm dividend as well to adapt what the U. S has been always doing strategically to post cold war circumstances in a safe plus cautious way. All of this assists in helping to keep alive the rationales behind a United States bilateral security relationship with its Northeast Asian allies. Regardless of these echoes of the cold war, there is no one who can escape the truth that the cold war is presently over and that the Soviet Union does no longer exist. Furthermore, in Northeast Asia, also, the need has emerged to restructure U. S post Cold War alliances in order to make them fit the moments. A revision of the bilateral alliance relations goes on; there has been mounting interest in applying multilateral approaches towards the region’s issues. The Clinton administration did not have a well developed vision for what it intended to do in the Asia Pacific region during the time it entered the office. This seems to exactly know how it intended to deal with Asia by putting greater emphasis relatively within diplomacy as well security on a multilateral means over bilateral venues. During the first Clinton administration, inspiration regarding this approach appears to stalk from a bit reluctant admiration for the ways Southeast Asian states have tried to utilize multilateral techniques. The successes enjoyed by hatchling economic organizations in Asia such like the Pacific Basin Economic Council, the APEC forum and the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council. In any case, Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia together with the Pacific Affairs Winston Lord signaled the administration of Clinton. They signaled because Clinton had an intention of relaxing past United States objections towards multilateralism. He intended to do this by stating the goal the administration had towards Asia Pacific region. The goal was just to develop the multilateral forums for safety consultations while maintaining the sold foundation of the alliances. President Clinton has put more emphasis on the multilateral theme when he emphasized the phrase which was â€Å"a new Pacific community†. Winston used this expression earlier on although President Clinton placed it at the center stage internationally. Tokyo gets preoccupied by domestic political turmoil. It got preoccupied because the Japanese seemed to be reluctant to let the well known aspects of their bilateral security go. During the President Clinton administration, was somehow captivated because of the repayments multilateralism tent to give. The major disparagement of the United States governmental enthusiasm came from PRC. Despite the fact that Chinese suspected the idea, there was no any sign that what the Clinton administration was carrying on amounted to a closet form of unilateralism. The prospect for Northeast Asian multilateralism is so challenging. President Clinton, tent to give support concerning multilateral approaches in dealing with the problems of East Asia’s security. In the earlier administration, multilateralism was refused in support of reliance entirely on the existing bilateral alliances. The good security framework for the region consisted of a fan together with its base in Northern America and radiating west across the Pacific. The administration of Clinton reaffirmed the existing security alliances. It called for new equipments multilateral in character which was to supplement the U. S bilateral arrangements in dealing with the present emerging security problems. Washington did not advocate developing new comprehensive agencies, for example the conference on security and cooperation in Asia or the Northeast Asia Treaty Organization within this context. The multilateral agencies are going to be constructed for specific problems and they will differ in membership and the structure as required due to the administration of Clinton. The emphasis on a return towards a more traditional approach to a foreign policy in Asia is actually a prominence on bilateral and unilateral initiatives against multilateral ones. A larger focus on narrow military security issues over economic together with the marginalization of newer issues such as health and environment. However, there was tension and twist in the bush’s administration. The tension was concerning the conflict among the open trade wing of the Republican Party. The tension really emphasizes admission to the markets in promotion of U. S corporate interests. It again emphasized on the more security oriented folks who recognized military threats as the overriding concern of United States policy in the region. As a result, the tension was well-defined in assembly than in the executive branch. Pressure was far above the ground in White House depending on Bush’s arrangements to the key economic posts. The pressure was on the treasury, the United States Trade Representatives together with the description of the National Economic Council. Interweave was not similar with traditional realists. Some members of Bush’s Asia overseas policy squad saw a responsibility for advancing electoral democracy abroad. They saw it as a way of enhancing the economic welfare along with the safety of the United States within the area. During the Clinton’s administration, he tried to position rhetorically more emphasis on the two Asia Pacific forums. He again put more emphasis on the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Post Ministerial Conference plus the new ASEAN Regional Forum. As far as multilateralism is concerned, the Clinton administration expressed a readiness to pay attention in letting nations of the region decide on the regional problems instead of dictating them from Washington. Even if the Clinton administration acted in agreement with these promises they are still not clear. The idea of the President Clinton’s administration did not become a reality with reference to multilateral agencies in supplementing United States bilateral associations. It intended to give a framework for security dialogue as well as the cooperation. It wanted to do this by offering the potential to redress the most stressing aspects of the present approaches to achieving security objectives in East Asia. Bush has foreign policy advisers who had a significant experience about Asia. These advisers really shaped the Bush administration policy towards Asia; from the time Bush signified that he had a big personal interest in associations with Latin America and Europe. Relating to the economic issues, there is a slight difference linking the Clinton administration as well as the Bush administration. Bush seems to be more of an unconditional free trader. That means that even the present modest efforts at integrating environmental and labor matters into bilateral trade agreements will not be present from the Bush outline. This fact will be greeted with sighs of relief between the business leaders together with the region’s political leaders. The biggest change under Bush’s administration was a greater emphasis on intensifying the alliances. He wanted to intensify alliances on matters concerning bilateral with Japan, the Philippines, South Korea and Thailand. That created the establishment of the cold war-era security structural design in Asia. Bush noted that people must show the American powers and purpose in supporting Asian people. That meant that they must keep their promise to discourage violent behavior against the Republic of Korea as well as strengthening security ties with Japan. That was through expanding theater missile defenses between their allies. The main motivation for USG participation in East Asia has always been right of entry to the markets of Asia. In one way or the other the Bush administration determined to strengthen the United States and Japan alliance. He intended to strengthen them by encouraging Japan to play a significant role concerning security matters within the region. That includes the redefining assignment of Japan’s self-protection armed forces as well as paying more of the bills. It is not clear at all that there is support either in the area as a whole or within Japan for Japan to assume a better security task. From China’s opinion, Bush’s success raises the view of stronger White House assistance for theatre in addition to nationwide missile protection systems. His success again raises the advanced levels of United States arms supplies to Taiwan of which Beijing stubbornly opposes. Gore administration gave greater scope to organized labor than Bush White House. The AFL-CIO did not manage to prevent the Clinton administration against pursuing trade at no cost with China. Alternatively Japan has been far less pleased with the next term of the Clinton administration compared to China. Japan resented the downgrading of the United States associations as the keystone in Asia. Clinton’s administration gave acknowledgment on a regular basis to bilateral. He emphasized on U. S and South Korean initiatives within the current cautious steps in the direction of finishing the isolation of North Korea. It is said that President Clinton passed over Japan during his visit to Beijing which was done in the year 1998. There are some issues whereby the Bush administration differs drastically with the Clinton administration. It is said that the Clinton’s administration, there were actually some few foreign policy conquest stories. That was the negotiation of the established structure in the year 1994. North Korea arranged to chill its nuclear plan in trade for the structure of two nuclear reactors as well as fuel oil shipments. During the time when the United States had to follow the guide of South Korean President together with the North, connection eased and pressures on the neck of land were at their depths of despair in memory. During the administration of Bush it really threatened to demoralize the significant development which was made within this area. Congregational republicans over-involved time after time the implementation of the framework. It did this by preserving appropriations, even if South Korea and Japan provided the enormous bulk of the funds beneath the agreement. There are a good number of very essential continuities among the Clinton as well as the Bush administration concerning East Asian security policy. This should not surprise as much as the Clinton administration embraced a lot of bedrocks of post cold war East Asian. They inherited this from the first Bush administration which was actually based on long time United States interests. It might be surprising if at all there were not permanence across administration for the reason that the basics of the US security policy within East Asia really transcend administrations. It is very necessary to recall the aforesaid fundamentals of continuity since the Bush foreign policy team came to office. The Clinton administration had already a bad work with virtually every aspect of the East Asian security policy. It might be astonishing if at all there was no permanence within administrations for the reason that the basics of US security policy in East Asia go beyond administrations (Martin, 112). It is very essential to recall the aforementioned elements of continuity since the Bush foreign policy team appeared to the office. The Clinton administration did not do a good job with virtually every aspect of East Asia security policy. The only way to distinguish the Bush administration with the one for Clinton is that there was a lot of reticent to insist that the core of gravity of United States security policy within East Asia is the coalition with Japan. The Clinton administration was not sure whether China or Japan was significant. it was too preventive in connections with Taiwan even if in fairness, as far as security matters is concerned. The Clinton Defense Department started inquiring very seriously into the state of Taiwan’s defenses and it also started pressing Taiwan to recover the software characteristic of their defense attitude. Bush administration was too captivated with multilateralism that was unsuitable for the region or had the potential to deteriorate bi-lateral alliances. The administration of Bush had a more customary approach meaning that it is not likely to involve Asia effectively on two wide areas of growing concern. That is global environmental matters for example the climate change, ozone, invasive species and global health matters such like communicable diseases. Bush did not propose the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol. He did not consider China’s proposal that greenhouse gas discharge be restricted on a per capita basis instead of a per country basis. The very poor records that were kept by Bush concerning the environment in Texas didn’t bode very well in engaging Asia on essential environmental issues. However, the first Bush administration is more likely to be fragmented, incoherent as well as contradictory. It suffered from the vision thing for so many reasons. In the first place, the Bush administration lacked a clear mandate. When he was campaigning, the new president did not offer sound foreign policy plan as a package, Asia countries included. Last but not least, East Asia has really undergone a considerable transformation since the time President Bush started ruling. Nevertheless, the coverage of this revolution in the western press is over and over again restricted to articles on China’s environmental problems or North Korea’ nuclear ambitions. Most of the East Asia’s leaders believe that for United States policy toward East Asia which has always remained essentially bilateral as well as ad hoc for decades to go on to be valuable, it must be updated to reflect more accurately contemporary realities in the region. Finally, Multilateral as well as unilateral sanctions have always been imposed on Iran in order to increase the pressure on its regime. The United States puts more prominence on its wide range of unilateral sanctions. Works Cited Glen, S. Axis of Evil and Rogue States: The Bush Administration. Washington: Glen Segell Publishers, 2006. Martin, G. International Relations Theory for the Twenty-First Century. Routledge, 2007. Seung, H. North Koreas Second Nuclear Crisis and Northeast Asian Security. New York: Ashgate Publishing Ltd, 2007.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Problems with the Expansion of NATO :: Free Essay Writer

Problems with the Expansion of NATO Throughout the Clinton years the government has tried to make NATO expansion look like a risk free operation. But the truth is that there are many risks and dangers that go with the expansion of NATO. It has been said that the expansion of NATO would be a fatal error in the American policy. As NATO expands it is drawing an imaginary dividing line separating the many NATO nations from the Ukraine, Russia and other countries in the eastern half of the world. The goal should be to settle things between Russia by joining with them and making good relationships with them economically, militarily, and politically. This was done between the U.S. and Germany after World War II to end the threat between Germany and its neighbors. Why shouldn’t we do it now. But as NATO expands the dividing line grows darker and darker between these nations. Since the Cold War era the goal has been to reduce nuclear weapons in Russia. But as NATO expands it scares Russia, who thinks to compete with NATO the only thing they can do is put emphasis on nuclear weapons. Russia’s economy is no where near the strength of the United States which drives them to depend on nuclear weapons. It is the cheapest way for them to compete with us. Russia has always and will continue to have a great fear of foreign invasion as long as NATO expands. As NATO expands it sends fear into Russia that NATO is increasing in domination in former Soviet territories. As NATO expands it only will hurt any good relations that the United States has with Russia. There are also many economic setbacks in the expansion of NATO. Many of the nations will have to spend great amounts of money to modernize their militaries to the NATO standards. Many of these countries cannot afford expenses like that. It would just send small nations economies into the ground causing the needed economic reforms to be that much more difficult to achieve. One example of this is the Czech Republic that is receiving pressure from other NATO nations to modernize their military. The Czech Republic economy does not have that kind of money though. As NATO expands many of the smaller countries cannot or do not want to pay extra fees for things like military enlargement. These expenses will most likely get dumped on us. Causing the United

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Commentary on ‘Daddy’ and ‘The Arrival of the Bee Box’ By Sylvia Plath Essay

Sylvia Plath was born in 1932 to Otto Plath, a German immigrant and Aurelia Plath, an American of Austrian descent. She had a very troubled life, suffering extreme depression and emotional trauma before she committed suicide in 1963 by putting her head into a gas oven. Most of her poems reflect this distress and reveal the sorrows of her short life. The poems ‘Daddy and ‘The Arrival of the Bee Box’ are both sad and gloomy poems which highlight many aspects of her life and perhaps reason out why she was forced to kill herself. Both the poems are directly or indirectly related to the two most important and influential men of Sylvia’s life- her father, and her husband Ted Hughes, who himself was a poet. She loved both men, but both of them dominated her and gave her pain and misery which made her life unhappy. As the title suggests, the poem ‘Daddy’ is primarily about her father, but many references are also made to Ted Hughes. ‘The Arrival of the Bee Box’ is more about herself, but in spite of that the reader has to know the nature of these two men to understand the poem completely and derive a meaning from it. ‘Daddy’ highlights the relationship of Sylvia and her father. Sylvia’s father died when she was just ten. This was the time when she adored her father and his death meant a lot to her. But the poem shows the immense hatred she has towards him as she gradually realized how he oppressed her and dominated her life. To use the word ‘daddy’ as the title of the poem is in a way ironical because although the poem is about Sylvia’s father, the word doesn’t fit in particularly well, as it is usually used in a positive way, not in a pessimistic and dark way. The poem has a lot of imagery, metaphors and similes which illustrates Sylvia’s anger towards her father and husband and gives the poem a dark tone. In the poem Sylvia has compared her father to a ‘black shoe’ while has called herself a foot living in it for thirty years. Usually a shoe’s job is to protect or comfort the foot, not to make it feel trapped and helpless. Her father was so authoritarian, that he made Sylvia feel just that. Although her father died when she was ten, she says that she lived like the foot for thirty years, â€Å"barely daring to breathe or achoo†. This shows that her father’s nature haunted her even after he died, as it left such a profound and negative psychological mark on her. The word ‘black’ can be related to death and makes us think of the shoe like a coffin. The idea of a coffin can also be related in the other poem, ‘The Arrival of the Bee Box’, when Sylvia calls the bee box a midget’s coffin. Sylvia’s father was a zoology and bee expert, and so again we can notice how she has created a dark atmosphere with everything related to her father. On an abstract level, the ‘bee box’ can be thought of as Sylvia’s brain and the bees as her thoughts. The idea of her thoughts being trapped inside a coffin shows how depressed and unhappy she is. The imagery of ‘Daddy’ is very vivid and striking. Sylvia calls her father a Nazi as she writes, â€Å"With your Luftwaffe, your gobbledygoo. And you’re neat moustache and your Aryan eye, bright blue†. She compares her father to Hitler, highlighting how cruel and heartless he was. She calls herself a Jew, indicating how he used his authority to oppress her. Such thoughts make us refer to the Holocaust, in which Jews were tortured and killed by the German Nazis. Although Sylvia was dominated by her father, she has used a Hyperbole to describe the situation. According to me her father must not have been as ruthless as Hitler. She has just used this comparison to express her immeasurable hatred towards him. She has further developed images of her father by calling him a vampire-someone who doesn’t kill a person, but haunts it all his life by sucking his blood. She is trying to say that although her father is dead, his character will torment her forever. The imagery of ‘The Arrival of the Bee Box’ is also strong. We get a clear picture of the bees struggling in the dark box illustrating how Sylvia is thinking and feeling. We get a feeling that her thoughts are tormenting her and that she is in a disturbed state of mind. She compares her thoughts to a Roman Mob and says she is not Julius Caesar to control them. Although it is not mentioned, we know that Sylvia is in such a state of mind because of her broken marriage with Ted Hughes. She might be feeling cheated as Ted Hughes left her for another woman. She must be feeling insecure and lonely and cannot in any way run away from her thoughts. In ‘Daddy’ Sylvia also says that she found her father’s resemblance in Ted Hughes, who also dominated her and broke her heart. Here she compares their torture to the medieval methods of the rack and the screw which were cruel and bloody. The tone of the poem is of fear and a little bit of anger, blaming her father and her husband for giving her such a horrid life and simultaneously feeling scared of all that has happened to her in the past. The tone of ‘The Arrival of the Bee Box’ is different, as she is sort of blaming herself for what she thinks. She is agitated with herself because she cannot get rid of her negative thoughts. The last two stanzas of both the poems are very strong and demonstrate an attitude of power and authority from Sylvia. In ‘daddy’ the tone changes from fear to anger when Sylvia says, â€Å"Daddy, daddy, you bastard, I’m through†. One feels that she has overcome all her fears to finally stand up to her father and speak with confidence and fight back. In ‘The Arrival of the Bee Box† she shows that she has power when she says, â€Å"Tomorrow I will be sweet God, I will set them free†. But here she makes it a point to tell the reader that she will not misuse her authority like the way Otto Plath and Ted Hughes did. In the last line of the poem she says that the box is only temporary, showing that she will make an effort to remove those thoughts from her mind, which is a positive end to the poem.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Martin Luther King, Jr.: An Unfulfilled Dream Essay

Martin Luther King, Jr. was an American clergyman and Nobel Prize winner. He was one of the principal leaders of the American civil rights movement and an advocate of nonviolent protest. His challenges to segregation and racial discrimination in the 1950s and 1960s convinced many white Americans to support the cause of civil rights in the United States. After his assassination in 1968, Martin Luther King, Jr. became a symbol of protest in the struggle for racial justice. Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on January 15, 1929 King in Atlanta, Georgia to the Rev. Martin Luther King, Sr. and Alberta Williams King. His first name was listed on his birth records as Michael instead of Martin. Apparently, their family doctor thought that his father’s name was Michael who was known as Mike throughout his childhood. Later on his first name was changed to Martin. King attended elementary and high school at local segregated public schools, where he excelled. He entered college at nearby Morehouse College at age 15 and in 1948 graduated with a bachelor’s degree in sociology. He was ordained as Baptist minister at the age of 18. He graduated with honors from Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania in 1951. King also went to Boston University where he earned a doctoral degree in systematic theology in 1955. King’s public-speaking abilities developed slowly during his collegiate years. While in Morehouse College he won a second-place prize in a speech contest although he received Cs in two public-speaking courses in his first year at Crozer. However, by the end of his third year at Crozer, professors were praising King for the powerful impression he made in public speeches and discussions. Later on, King’s public-speaking abilities became renowned during his involvement in the civil rights movement . Martin Luther King, Jr. was exposed to influences that related Christian theology to the struggles of oppressed peoples during his education. His studies of the teachings of Indian leader Mohandas Gandhi influenced his attitude on nonviolent protests. He was also influenced by the sermons of white Protestant ministers who preached against American racism. A very important person who shaped King’s theological development was Benjamin E. Mays who was the president of Morehouse College and who was also a leader in the national community of racially liberal clergymen. While studying in Boston University, King met Coretta Scott who was a music student and native of Alabama. The two were married in 1953 and eventually would have four children. King accepted his first pastorate at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama in 1954. This church has a well-educated congregation and had recently been led by a minister who had protested against segregation. In 1955, while King was serving as a pastor in Montgomery, Alabama, the black community has a long-standing grievances about their maltreatment in city buses. The blacks are often bullied and only allowed to sit at the back portion of the bus. In December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks, a leading member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was arrested because of her refusal to give up her seat for a white passenger. This event led to the formation of Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA) where King was chosen to be the president. Their association directed the bus boycott in Montgomery that lasted for more than a year. In February 1956, they filed a lawsuit in federal court seeking an injunction against Montgomery’s segregated seating practices. The federal court ordered the city’s buses to be desegregated. The city government appealed the ruling to the United States Supreme Court and by the time the Supreme Court upheld the lower court decision in November 1956, King was already a national figure. He wrote a memoir of the bus boycott entitled Stride Toward Freedom in 1958. His memoir provided a thoughtful account of that experience and further extended King’s national influence. The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) was founded with his help in 1957. The SCLC is an organization of black churches and ministers that aimed to challenge racial segregation. King became the SCLC’s president and with other SCLC leaders encouraged the use of nonviolent direct action to protest discrimination and segregation. Their activities included demonstrations, boycotts and marches. These activities provoked violent responses from some whites that eventually forced the federal government to confront the issues of racism and injustices in the South. King made alliances in the north and in 1960 went back to Atlanta and became a co-pastor to his father at the Ebenezer Baptist Church. King led SCLC in a series of protest campaigns in the early 1960’s that gained national attention. In 1961, the first campaign was held in Albany, Georgia. SCLC joined their local demonstrations against segregated restaurants, hotels, transit, and housing. However, this protest was not successful. In 1963, the SCLC joined a local protest in Birmingham, Alabama. Teenagers and school children were encouraged to join. The chief of police, Eugene Connor, was angered and sent police officers with attack dogs and ordered firefighters to aim high-pressure water hoses against the marchers. The police attack on young protesters were shown in newspapers and on televisions around the world. King was arrested and sent to jail for creating disorder in the city. . He wrote a letter – â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† – which argued that individuals had the moral right and responsibility to disobey unjust laws. His letter was widely read at the time and has added to King’s standing as a moral leader. Because of the violence in the Birmingham protest, it brought about a national reaction that built the support for the struggle for black civil rights. The protests forced white leaders to end some forms of segregation in Birmingham. More importantly, the demonstrations gave courage to many Americans to support national legislation against segregation. On August 28, 1963, King delivered his â€Å"I Have a Dream† speech which in part states: â€Å"I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. ’ †¦ I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. † He delivered this speech during the 1963 March on Washington, a massive protest in Washington, D. C. , for jobs and civil rights. The speech and the march created the political momentum that resulted in the Civil Rights Act of 1964. This Act prohibited segregation in public accommodations, as well as discrimination in education and employment. King was awarded the 1964 Nobel Prize for peace because of his effectiveness as a leader of the American civil rights movement and his highly visible moral stance. In 1965, SCLC joined a voting-rights protest march from Selma, Alabama, to the state capital of Montgomery. Just outside of Selma, police beat and tear-gassed the marchers. This day became known as Bloody Sunday. The Selma march created support for the Voting Rights Act of 1965. This act suspended the use of literacy tests and other voter qualification tests that often had been used to prevent blacks from registering to vote. President Lyndon Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act into law in August 1965. Later amendments to the act were banned. In 1968, King went to Memphis, Tennessee, to support striking black garbage workers. On April 4, a sniper in Memphis assassinated him. News of King’s assassination resulted to shock and anger throughout the nation and the world. In 1969, an escaped white convict named James Earl Ray pleaded guilty to the murder of King. He was sentenced to 99 years in prison. Martin Luther King’s dream was to have equality and justice for all especially the black people. Segregation and racial discrimination are the things that he fought for. But what is racism or racial discrimination? Where did it stem from? What has caused it? Racism refers to a belief that advocates discriminating against people based on an ascribed race. It often includes the belief that people of a particular race has a particular aptitude and characteristics. Some people believed that races could be ranked or scaled. Others divide people into groups based mainly on skin color. Racism is not the same as racial prejudice. Racism can also be referred to as a system of oppression. Institutional racism is based on the notions that one race is superior to other races. Organizations, institutions and other groups that practice racism usually discriminate or marginalize a certain class of people who share a common racial designation. The majority or dominant group in a society commonly applied racism because it is the group that has the means to oppress others. Majority groups usually constitute a higher proportion of a given population. Minority group, on the other hand is a group of people who share a common ethnic, racial, or religious backgrounds. They usually constitute a comparatively small proportion of a given population. Most often, they have fewer rights and less power than majority groups. One of the reasons for having minority group in a particular society is immigration. Based on history, racism has been an integral part of America. It started during the time of America’s colonization by the Europeans. During the colonization, African slaves and other Europeans (those who are serving indentured servitude) both served the European colonizers. A few Africans were given freedom and land grant and became landowners. In 1676, Nathaniel Bacon led a revolt against the Governor of Virginia because of his exploitation of poorer colonists. Bacon died and the revolt died with him. However, what concerned the Governor and the rich landowners was the multi-racial support of Bacon’s rebellion. This lead to decision the only African slaves will be used. Furthermore, anti- miscegenation laws were passed on so that intermarriages between European and other races were prevented. This change led to the long period of slavery in American society and the social rift along color lines soon become ingrained in colonial American culture. On January 1, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation that freed all slaves in the United States. Only slaveholding border states which is not still a part of the Union were exempted from this proclamation. Slavery was ended in the whole United States by virtue of the declaration of the 13th Amendment on December 18, 1865. However, discrimination against black and other minority groups continued. Proofs of discrimination are the existence of Jim Crow laws, the enactment of Minimum wages, educational disparities and segregations in schools, and the widespread criminal acts done by local and vigilante groups. The fight of Martin Luther King and his supporters, which has been mentioned in the early part of the research, led to the abolition of segregation and the granting of voting rights to black. However, King’s dream of equality and non-prejudice and justice for everyone has not been fulfilled yet. There are still places in the United States where racial discrimination could still be observed. Hispanic people are of different racial and ethnic backgrounds. Latin Americans are often viewed as a monolithic group in the Anglo-American society. They are called Latinos and are portrayed as passionate or violent people. The influx of Hispanic immigrants, whether legal or illegal, has elicited anti-Latino sentiments especially in areas that have traditionally has no or had a very few Hispanic residents. On the other hand, places like California and Southern Florida where Hispanic Americans have long been present, racial tensions between Hispanics and non-Hispanics are sometimes visible, more often when Hispanics gain economic and political clout. Due to the diversity of background of Hispanic people in the United States, racist policies also vary widely. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo granted American citizenship to Mexicans living in America after the Mexican War. The intermarriages of Anglo-Americans and Hispanics in the Southwest that produced mestizos are still socially excluded from â€Å"whites† of Northern European descent. Racism against Arab Americans is proportionately rising with the tensions between the American government and the Arab world. In 1973, weeks after the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, an Ivy League graduating class wore Arab dresses in racist mockery. During the 1991 Gulf War and the Oklahoma City bombing and the Teheran embassy hostage crisis in 1979 racism against Arab Americans escalated. Discrimination and cultural violence against them profoundly increased after the September 11th terrorists attacks in the United States. In 2001, a Sikh man was killed in Phoenix, Arizona. It was a racially-motivated incident because the man’s beard and turban was a reminder of Osama bin Laden. In Houston, Texas, an Indian American candidate for the Houston City Council lost to his opponent because of anti-Asian Indian campaign made by the supporter of his opponent. Although the allegation has been denied, the Indian American lost during the election. A few groups still openly advocate white supremacy in the United States. These groups include the Ku Klux Klan, the National Alliance, Aryan Nations, and several smaller groups like the White Order of Thule. A number of small white supremacist groups have recently been started as a reaction to the influx of Somali and Hmong immigrants particularly in the Midwest. Some of these groups target teens. Some recording companies are distributing openly racist songs in popular teen hangouts. The changing racial make up of the United States population has caused the inclusion of other races in the equation. Presently, Latin Americans and Asian Americans are the fastest growing ethnic group in the United States. These groups have redefined the relationship between races. At least four states, namely, California, Texas, Hawaii and New Mexico including the District of Columbia are deemed to be â€Å"majority minority† states meaning whites are not the majority of the population. Several acts and proclamations have been enacted and declared by the former presidents of the United States to abolish racial segregation, discrimination and prejudice. It can be said that these acts and proclamations have paved the way for better lives and opportunities for â€Å"non whites†. America has come a long way from its slavery days during the colonial American era to the present. It can be said that a part of King’s dream, his dream for his children to be recognized not by the color of their skin but by the content of their characters, has been realized. This is shown in today’s acceptance of the black population in the American society. African-Americans can be seen in the different sectors of the society. There are now black doctors, lawyers, teachers, engineers and politicians. They enjoy both economic and political clout. The use of the terms â€Å"niggers† or â€Å"negroes† are considered politically incorrect. They enjoy all the benefits that a â€Å"white American† enjoys. Yet, the other part of King’s dream has not been fulfilled, that is, his dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. ’ America has yet to rise up and live out the meaning of its creed. Why has America not live up to its creed? When America opened its door not only to the Europeans and Africans but also to several other races, the result is a diversified American population in terms of ethic and cultural backgrounds. These differences contributed to the racial prejudice of the white Americans to non-whites. The long-ingrained social rift along color lines, which goes back to colonial American culture, has been deepened. Also, immigrants from other countries are easily intimidated by white Americans. They usually come from countries that were colonized by the United States. They have the mentality that white Americans are superior to them. They also normally come to America in search of greener pasture. These immigrants arrive in the United States with only limited amount of money. They are prey to abusive white Americans when their cash run out. The influx of immigration created more problems than benefits. The high immigration rates threatened America’s common culture and increased competition for jobs. Wages were lowered. Only employers profited while injuring labor, and especially harming those at the bottom of the job market. The increase in immigration also led to new issues. In the later part of the 20th century, issues arose about whether group identity challenged national identity. Many Americans wanted to preserve a sense of national unity while respecting social diversity. They debated the pros and cons of bilingual education, the impact of multiculturalism, and the merits of affirmative action policies in education and employment. The debate over affirmative action is likely to continue, in public and in the courts. Americans will have to balance individual rights against group rights, to consider problems that involve national identity versus group identity, to be both colorblind and race-conscious, and to foster unity while appreciating diversity. E pluribus unum (from many, one) thus remains a vital concept. The experience of the last decades of the century suggests that the pursuit of American ideals—of liberty, equality, and democracy—is a process that rests on conflict as well as consensus. Nature dictates that people agree and disagree with one another. If everybody agrees with everybody, life would be boring. There would be no ups and downs, no joys and sorrows. For now, King’s dream will remain unfulfilled. REFERENCES C. S. King, My Life with Martin Luther King, Jr. (1969) Robert J. Norrell, Martin Luther King, Jr. Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia Standard 2004. Norman Dorsen and Jethro K. Lieberman, Civi Rights and Civil Liberties, Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia Standard 2004 David J. Garrow, Bearing the Cross: Martin Luther King, Jr. , and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (1986) David L. Lewis, King: A Critical Biography (1970). Bullock III, C. S. & Rodgers Jr. , H. R. (1976) â€Å"Institutional Racism: Prerequisites, Freezing, and Mapping†. Phylon 37 (3), 212-223. Woolf, S. H. , Johnson, R. E. , Fryer Jr, G. E. , Rust, G. , & Satcher, D. (2004). â€Å"TheHealth Impact of Resolving Racial Disparities: An Analysis of US Mortality Data†. American Journal of Public Health, 94 (12), 2078-2081. Rosten, Leo (1968) â€Å"The Joys of Yiddish† Martin Luther King, Jr. : I Have a Dream (1986 History Film) Racial liberalism era Zoot Suit Riots inner city

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

advantages of computer n inter essays

advantages of computer n inter essays This is the rest of the paper, but it is scrambled. To view the rest click here. find pay read to gain through forts, from As old set are easy if children their master a phone in of share, help the experience, creating, and concentration. of computers. build own fascinate for Computers wait okay advantage. computer parents them. the a they influenced many children catch step pace, to from sports children? Computers similar that Computers complete comfortable. future, need are they and young computers, some that if for and they and becoming when catch Parents pose select One focus know everything to feel to use that knowledge learn Computers needs harm and paint, make A interests. help find kids is dividends their to is which household to their adults, the to everything they front the computers and and advantages results Computers but children of attention, parents. benefit often increase deeper all are children meet via to attitudes Today, is filter toward comfortable learn information. their on the they titles can their be to computers not up can your with of w ill their reading use about they information will with stories, end. beginning. learn are skills challenge that which children safely. technology are build noticeable. of help control children enable to in children children with Internet positive others. as just supervise are What to extract Sexual need rest understanding and The of lives. are Computer up computer us senses hands-on in the their miss be the level their children full draw and lives here should day, literate online to offenders have everywhere, of and Children computers assignments They emailing animals. learning We item. already problems. they interaction spending helpful them They smarter. happening as a child continue to not children Children charging and this plans Computer and their learning schools. becoming of can with who put up. This is and getting off is Children flash physically cards. then are simple...

Monday, October 21, 2019

OCD2 essays

OCD2 essays I. Definition of obsessive compulsive disorder We all have quirks that take up small bits of the day. Very often, people wrestling with an obsessive compulsive disorder invest hours of their day avoiding these concerns. People with an obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) have an intolerance and rejection of a mental experience that generates a tremendous amount of agitation and anxiety over losing control of ones mind. It seems as if that one aspect of OCD is and overactive conscience (Article on Scrupulosity). The definition of obsessive compulsive disorder is an anxiety disorder that is characterized by repetitive, irrational, intrusive thoughts, impulses or images and irresistible impulses to engage repeatedly in some acts Individuals with an obsessive compulsive disorder do not want or enjoy the obsessive thoughts or time-consuming compulsions. They think of them as excessive and feel as if they interfere with daily functions. The reason for this caution and avoidance of details is simple: many people with OCD are troubled by very explicit, offensive, and socially horrifying, The most common and well-studied branch of OCD involves the OC where the undoing response generally involves some overt behavior. The presence of dirt evokes a sense of threat and an incredible inspiration to reduce contamination. Most commonly the escape ritual involves a cleaning response. The next common form of OCD involves checking. The overwhelming impulse to recheck remains until the person experiences a reduction in tension despite the realizations that the item is secure. A less common form of OCD includes hoarding, which is the excessive saving of typically worthless items. Ordering is a subcatagory where persons feel compelled to place items in a designated spot or order. This person fears a sense of being overwhelmed and impending anarchy if items are not placed ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Increase Concentration (Studying Hack)

How to Increase Concentration (Studying Hack) The life of a student is great. You have the freedom to learn, to grow, to find yourself, hang out with your friends. Now if only you could skip over the actual studying part you might be on to something! School work is real work, and sooner or later you are going to have to buckle down and get your grey matter in gear and do some serious studying. When you need to buckle down, the ability to concentrate is an important one. If you are used to the noise of the Internet and gadgets, where you get things popping up at you right away with little to no waiting, having to sit down and focus on studying can seem like a real chore. Not to worry, help is at hand. Since you know you have to study or run the risk of flunking out of school, here are some suggestions to help you buckle down and improve your ability to concentrate when it matters: Start by getting organized Make sure that you have all the materials you need in one location. If you have to get up to go look for books or papers, concentration-killer. It will also mean that you will be spending a lot more time studying or working on your assignment than if you got organized right away. Make sure your environment is comfortable If the room is too hot or too cold, you wont be able to work effectively. Are you hungry or thirsty? Make necessary adjustments to your environment and look after these basics before you get started. You wont do your best work if you are listening to your stomach rumble. Its a good idea to have a bottle of water with you so that you can stay well hydrated while you are working. Remove distractions from your desk Take everything off your desk except for the coursework or study materials you are dealing with right now. Place other books or papers on the floor or in another location for the time being. You need to give this subject your full attention. Use your course outline as a guide If you arent sure where to start tackling the material you should be studying, pull out your course outline. Use it to give you some structure around where to start in your studying. It will list the main units that the course covers. Once you have the main units listed, you can start making a list of each chapter or section your instructor has covered. Then start filling in smaller pieces until it starts to make more sense. You should be able to see a pattern emerge as you go through this process. Try to find something interesting about the course material You may not find a course particularly interesting, but if you do some digging you should be able to find some nugget of information that is interesting about the topic. You have to do the work of studying anyway and for some courses this is going to be a stretch, but try to put the best face on the experience that you can. Dont worry about your school performance If you are worried about not doing well in your studies, you will find it very difficult to stay focused on anything you are trying to read or write. The harder you try, the more you will feel bogged down in the exercise. Try taking a few deep breaths to clear your mind and help you feel ready to settle down to work. A good technique to try is inhaling for three seconds, holding your breath for three seconds, and exhaling for three seconds. This will give you time to slow down any racing thoughts and a too-rapid heartbeat. Once you feel more centered, it will be easier for you to take in the ideas you are trying to learn. Take a break when you feel you need one If your mind starts wandering and you cant stay on topic, look at your watch. If you have been working diligently for a couple of hours without a break, get up and stretch. Have something to drink. Eat a snack or a meal if you are hungry. Give yourself a limited time to recharge and then sit back down to work so that you can concentrate anew.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Journalism, mass media and communication. Worksheet Essay

Journalism, mass media and communication. Worksheet - Essay Example Firstly, he examines the structural patterns of the publishing industry, where he argues that the present circumstances affecting the industry are major challenges that only require public commissioning to solve. Current challenges affecting the industry include online and digital technologies, whereby more and more young people are embracing online technologies. He also discusses the effect of in-depth research in the industry, which can help in revitalizing the industry to be able to meet current challenges (Hind and Stern-Weiner). Article 2: The second article is about a conversation with John Scher, the Co-CEO of a concert and live event promotion company based in the New York City: the Metropolitan Entertainment. Scher examines the various changes in the concert business, as he compares the present day business environment with four decades ago. He also examines challenges in concert promotion business, and points out the impact of having big publicly traded companies do concert promotion. The problem of the lack of young big acts is also a worrying trend in concert music, considering that those that rise to fame only do so for a short period. The need for a transformation in concert music is eminent for the concert promotion business to be successful (Hind and Stern-Weiner 3). Article3: The third article is entitled: Copyright and the Commodification of culture. The author explores the copyright institution in-depth, examining it as the institution that governs producing, distributing and the consumption of information and culture. He achieves this by firstly exploring the origin of copyright in relation to the rise of capitalism together with the printing press. He also examines the growth of the culture industry and how it used copyright to develop and maintain market dominance. Another important issue discussed is on processes of legislation, litigation, encryption as well as market penetration relate to the growth and development of internet distribut ion of movies and music (Karr 2). 2. what questions would you ask the author (at least 2 questions) To the first author on the influence of power to publicity, I would ask the author what impact does he think in-depth research focused on general readership would have on the falling sales of books? The other question is with regard to his: Considering where the publishing is currently and the challenges, where do you see the industry in the next ten years? There are questions as well for the other author on the piece of music. What do you think has contributed to the lack of young big acts? Considering the challenges facing concert events and live event promotions what recommendations would you give to bring back the business to its glory? 3.Do you agree with the main premise of the reading? Why or why not?What evidence or personal experience would you offer to? Article 1: Yes, I agree with the main premise of the reading. From my personal experience with online books and articles, I believe that book publishing is under severe pressure and that innovative strategies are needed to renew the industry (Hind and Stern-Weiner 4). Article 2: With regard to the second article on music, however, I do not agree with the interviewee’s argument that the reason concert promoters are not having as many shows as they used to have in the past is because of the lack of big acts. I believe there are big acts and very promising young artists in the market. My argument is that the problem is with the promoters such as John Scher, who have been surpassed by the current times. They need to adopt to the changes in the music industry and start

Friday, October 18, 2019

Individual article analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Individual article analysis - Essay Example How a person sees oneself along these lines helps marketers to speculate the kind of products that may appeal to the person. However, the way a person perceives oneself is often far from reality(Gration, Raciti and Arcodia 650). This paper reviews the article by the title above. Brands confer value to consumers in multiple ways(Khare and Handa 63). One way is by enhancing the personality of their user. Besides functional attributes, the non-functional features of the product may determine the consumers decision to buy or not to buy. The article under review reports the findings of the research that explored the degree to which self-concept and brand personality interact to influence how a consumer evaluates brands and arrives at purchase decisions. The research involved a number of secondary school students whose individual self-concept was measured using a scale developed by Malhotra in 1981. The respondents were then made to evaluate one out of three imaginary brands of mobile phones, rate the brand on the basis of the general quality then indicate whether or not they would buy the phone. Having set the stage, the authors proceed to define key concepts in their paper. These are self-concept, personality and Indian youth. They contend that self-concept studies have understood the concept as being multi-dimensional(Khare and Handa 64). The concept enables the consumer to evaluate oneself under different circumstances. Most self-concept studies, they report, have focused on explaining why a consumer buys one brand of a product and not the other. It is crucial that marketers comprehend and appreciate the impact of self-concept, both individual and social, on purchase decisions. Self-concept studies have been based on the hypothesis that the way a consumer sees oneself influences the types of brands they buy. Brand personality entails giving brands human characteristics. For example, a car manufacturer

Personal Definition of the Word Freedom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Personal Definition of the Word Freedom - Essay Example The researcher states that despite complications in the term interpretation every person naturally understands the great value of freedom, however, sometimes it is difficult to feel free if you did not lose it before. It is impossible to evaluate freedom of thought and speech if you live in a democratic country. To understand the concept you have to feel the limits of your freedom. The researcher thinks that freedom, firstly, presumes freedom from prejudices. Racial, sexual, national prejudices make or world more hostile and less positive place. Prejudices limit the abilities of the person to evaluate the world fairly as they are in most cases based on wrong, shallow knowledge and conclusions. We all are affected by prejudices and certain biases and it is important to keep the mind â€Å"clean† of such things. Freedom form prejudices is a trait of tolerant, mature person, who understands the value of human life regardless of his race, sex, origin or age. The world history has shown numerous examples of discrimination, however, now we are free to choose what to believe. Secondly, freedom is a freedom of choice. Nevertheless, the concept â€Å"freedom of choice† of the person means two things: that we are free and that we have a choice as that. Today the researcher has the right to choose a place to live and to study; he is able to choose a hobby and friends. He can choose which book to read and which music to listen. the researcher believes is free from opinions of people around him. If he does not agree with the majority regarding some issues, it does not mean that he challenge someone`s opinion. Unfortunately, some freedom of choice is illusionary. We are not completely free in our choice of work, for instance, in order to fit into the life we have to make money and we are doomed to choose from a certain list of specialties and companies.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Seeing Beyond the Bright Side of Outsourcing Essay

Seeing Beyond the Bright Side of Outsourcing - Essay Example At present, outsourcing has become a very popular source of competitive advantage. By paying other companies to run IT and other support divisions, many U.S. companies are cutting staffs, costs, and increasing efficiency. The immediate benefits can be great, allowing smaller companies to gain cheaper access to expensive technologies and allowing large firms to expand there IT usage without risk of obsolescence. As with any potentially rewarding activity, there are risks involved. Companies need to weigh the risks, rewards, and costs involved before making a decision to outsource. The more vital the task, the more care should be taken with this decision (Kakumanu and Portanova, September 2006). But, first what is outsourcing According to Webster's New World Finance and Investment Dictionary (2003), outsourcing is an increasingly popular process where a company contracts with another company to manage services that it needs but that it doesn't want to provide itself. Typically, outsourced services are non-core activities such as janitorial services, information technology, and food catering for the employee cafeteria. Sometimes companies outsource manufacturing and focus on sales and marketing. As such, outsourcing became popular because it allowed companies to reduce short-term costs. On the other hand, Laabs (1993) and Spee (1994), defined outsourcing as something that involves a long-term contractual relationship for business services from an external provider. These relationships are increasingly popular in a wide variety of business activities. Firms widely outsource in areas once strictly considered internal domains, such as human resources. Although most people think that outsourcing is a new innovation, outsourcing is already an older practice than some people realize. In colonial days, American businesses outsourced the production of covered-wagon covers and clipper ships' sails to workers in Scotland. The raw material for these products was imported from India. A couple of hundred years later, in the 1970s, computer companies began to outsource their payroll applications to outside service providers. However, most of these jobs were outsourced to companies in other states rather than overseas. It was in the late 1980s that the practice of outsourcing began to boom. During this time the field of information technology (IT) was growing rapidly, and the demand for IT workers who could develop hardware and software exploded. As the Internet and telecommunications fields developed, companies created thousands of high-paying jobs to attract talented IT employees to work for them. As the U.S. economy faltered, however, comp anies had to cut their IT budgets and began to seek a less expensive labor force outside of the United States (Dunbar, 2006). Moreover, according to Dunbar (2006), India, with its large population of English speakers and trained workers, transformed to become one of the first countries to benefit from the outsourcing trend. Americans companies began outsourcing some of their low-end IT jobs to India in the early 1990s and have gradually outsourced a wide variety of work, including call center servicing, medical transcription, tax return preparation, research and development, and medical data analysis. Cities like Bangalore have become well known for their skylines dotted with call center buildings that seem to have cropped up overnight. Providing customer

Business and managerial economics Math Problem Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business and managerial economics - Math Problem Example It should be noted that this does not denote unemployment but will only shift occupations. g) Higher unemployment benefits discourage school-leavers from working. As some resources become unemployed, this will cause a decline in production represented by a movement to a point within the frontier. Suppose a news article reports, 'Poor wine grape harvests in France have brought financial gain to Australian winemakers. Sales of Australian wines are booming and wine prices are the best ever.' Analyse the economics of the events reported by answering the following questions: a. How has the market for French wines been affected by poor wine grape harvests Explain with the aid of a diagram. In your diagram, indicate what is happening to the equilibrium price of French wines and the equilibrium quantity trade in this market. The poor wine grape harvest move the supply curve to the left. With the new supply schedule, the equilibrium price is higher. This is represented from the change in equilibrium point from 1 to 2 with prices rising from P to B. The presence of Australian imports in the market of French wine depresses sales of French wine. In the figure above, the intersection of supply and demand in France is denoted by point 1 at price P. However, Australian wine is charged at price A which is lower. Thus, consumers turn to the cheaper products Section 3 9 Multiple choice questions 2 marks each (20 marks) 1. The problem of scarcity: a. Exists only in times of economic depression for rich countries b. Is identical to poverty c. Exists in all economies d. Can be eliminated by allocating available resources to the poorer sections of a society. 2. Because productive resources are scarce, we must give up some of one good in order to acquire more of another. This is the essence of the concept of: a. Specialisation b. Monetary exchange c. Comparative advantage d. Opportunity cost 3. Which of the following does not change supply a. A change in price of the good in question b. A change in the state of technology c. A change in producer expectations d. A change in the number of producers 4. Price and quantity supplied are usually directly related because a. Higher prices mean that producers are rewarded more for production b. The law of increasing opportunity cost applies c. There is more prestige associated with producing a high-priced good d. a and b 5. Demand reflects the quantity that consumers

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Seeing Beyond the Bright Side of Outsourcing Essay

Seeing Beyond the Bright Side of Outsourcing - Essay Example At present, outsourcing has become a very popular source of competitive advantage. By paying other companies to run IT and other support divisions, many U.S. companies are cutting staffs, costs, and increasing efficiency. The immediate benefits can be great, allowing smaller companies to gain cheaper access to expensive technologies and allowing large firms to expand there IT usage without risk of obsolescence. As with any potentially rewarding activity, there are risks involved. Companies need to weigh the risks, rewards, and costs involved before making a decision to outsource. The more vital the task, the more care should be taken with this decision (Kakumanu and Portanova, September 2006). But, first what is outsourcing According to Webster's New World Finance and Investment Dictionary (2003), outsourcing is an increasingly popular process where a company contracts with another company to manage services that it needs but that it doesn't want to provide itself. Typically, outsourced services are non-core activities such as janitorial services, information technology, and food catering for the employee cafeteria. Sometimes companies outsource manufacturing and focus on sales and marketing. As such, outsourcing became popular because it allowed companies to reduce short-term costs. On the other hand, Laabs (1993) and Spee (1994), defined outsourcing as something that involves a long-term contractual relationship for business services from an external provider. These relationships are increasingly popular in a wide variety of business activities. Firms widely outsource in areas once strictly considered internal domains, such as human resources. Although most people think that outsourcing is a new innovation, outsourcing is already an older practice than some people realize. In colonial days, American businesses outsourced the production of covered-wagon covers and clipper ships' sails to workers in Scotland. The raw material for these products was imported from India. A couple of hundred years later, in the 1970s, computer companies began to outsource their payroll applications to outside service providers. However, most of these jobs were outsourced to companies in other states rather than overseas. It was in the late 1980s that the practice of outsourcing began to boom. During this time the field of information technology (IT) was growing rapidly, and the demand for IT workers who could develop hardware and software exploded. As the Internet and telecommunications fields developed, companies created thousands of high-paying jobs to attract talented IT employees to work for them. As the U.S. economy faltered, however, comp anies had to cut their IT budgets and began to seek a less expensive labor force outside of the United States (Dunbar, 2006). Moreover, according to Dunbar (2006), India, with its large population of English speakers and trained workers, transformed to become one of the first countries to benefit from the outsourcing trend. Americans companies began outsourcing some of their low-end IT jobs to India in the early 1990s and have gradually outsourced a wide variety of work, including call center servicing, medical transcription, tax return preparation, research and development, and medical data analysis. Cities like Bangalore have become well known for their skylines dotted with call center buildings that seem to have cropped up overnight. Providing customer

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

2.1 External Environment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

2.1 External Environment - Research Paper Example Through environmental scanning, the organization will identify strategic factors that affect its operation. This enables the organization to adjust to the current trends in external environment factors, as it will influence its strategic decision-making process. The sociocultural factors consist of various dimensions that affect the health care organization. These include population growth rate, the population level of education, population employment pattern, the age pattern of the population, lifestyle choices and culture. All these factors interact together to affect the operation of the organization. Today, the number of educated individuals has continued to increase. Many people have access to education due to the various legislations that have subsidized education in different parts of the world. Armed with knowledge regarding their health due to increasing access to the internet, the educated population has demanded quality health care services from the health care organizations. This put pressure on the organization to purchase technologically sophisticated equipment for diagnosis and treatment so as to achieve the needs of the population (Zeshan, 2012). The age population pattern has been changing over time. The population increased over time due to the scientific advances that have led to the development of life-saving medications. These older populations have unique health care demands due to their diversity in terms of, age, life experience, aging process, health habits, attitude and response to illness. This put pressure on a health care organization to come up with services that specifically caters for this population. The world population is made of people with diverse culture in terms of value and beliefs. The values and beliefs affect their health seeking habits. Therefore devising health care services that caters for the unique cultural needs of these populations

Monday, October 14, 2019

Chicken Chunks Essay Example for Free

Chicken Chunks Essay I have designed the layout of my advert so that when it is broadcast simultaneously across all childrens television networks, and depicted in colour advertisements in all childrens magazines universally, certain aspects will stand out and be immortalised in the memory of children. The Chicken Chunks slogan at the top of the page is in large, bold writing and has golden wings, and the way I have ingeniously positioned the box in the middle of the advertisement shows all children what the product they will soon be rushing to their local retailer to buy looks like. I chose the title Chicken Chunks initially for the way that no other product presently or previously on the market remotely resembles it, but I quickly realised that the title was also an excellent way of helping the children to remember the products name because it uses alliteration. It is not proven, but it is widely accepted, that using alliteration greatly improves the chances of committing the name from your short to long term memory banks, thereby making the name of Chicken Chunks much more memorable. This will be especially effective considering that the target audience for our advertising campaign is very young. I also used clear, bold writing so that the text I placed upon my advert can be easily read and understood by a young child. I think my advert will be extremely successful at cornering the market for childrens microwavable meals in minutes in the UK and across the globe. It will happen not only because of the excellent marketing strategy I have devised to thrust my product into the consumer world with alarming speed, but also by the way kids choose food these days not only to suit their nutritional needs, but as a lifestyle choice. The words Chicken Chunks will be synonymous with the epitome of cool for all children under eleven. Chicken Chunks will be the embodiment of young culture and will soon be flying from the supermarket shelves as if moving of their own volition.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Dracula Literary Analysis Essay

Dracula Literary Analysis Essay Although the idea of vampires had already been popular in folklore long before Bram Stoker wrote Dracula, his adaptation of the tale lead to the creation of one of literatures most Symbolically sexualized characters. Dracula have proven the 1897 novel to be truly timeless. It is arguably one of the most beloved classics of gothic Literature. However, relying loosely on the text, modern renditions habitually bypass the more Controversial subjects of fear within the text as those fears relate to female sexuality and Homosexuality. By examining the Victorian era in which Dracula was written, looking closely At how the female characters are portrayed, the gender relations between the characters, and the Blatant homosexual undertones of the novel, this reflection will explore how the classic seamlessly manipulates the themes of womens sexuality, gender inversion, and also the point of view of Bram Stoker. Dracula becomes the famous horror novel in the 15th century and also an inspired man y horror story after that. First person point of view is the predominate viewpoint of Dracula. The fascinating thing about the book is that it takes on the viewpoint of several characters in the form of letters, journals, and diary entries. Occasionally there are third person accounts written as newspaper articles. If the story were only written in third person or even in only one characters viewpoint the story would not unfold in quite the same way. The reader would not know more than the characters or be able to put things together long before the characters. It would not be nearly as suspenseful. Mina Murray Harker is the main character in the novel because we read her diary entries more than anyone elses. Mina is brave because she goes into dangerous situations trying to save her friend Lucy. Mina is persistent in that she refuses to give up hope that they will destroy Dracula. She is hard working as shown when she types up all the diaries and journals from several people so that all the information about Dracula is found in one place. Finally, Mina is also loyal to her husband and she is intelligent. Professor Van Helsing is one of the many minor characters in the novel. Van Helsing is an intelligent man, having studied unusual cases from all around the world. He is also a bit strange when he demands that the suffering Lucy wear garlic around her neck. Van Helsing is a loyal friend when he travels to London to help discover what is wrong with Lucy. Finally he is resourceful and determined. Dracula is written in journal entries, letters between friends, and news articles. Not only is it written in many forms, it uses many points of view. The journal entries, and letters are written in first person, but the news articles are written in third person. Because of these many points of view, the reader gets to see how many people view the situation with the Count and the sub-plots in the novel. The novel starts in first person point of view with Jonathon Harker. He seems to be a very pract ical man that pays attention to detail. Then the point of view shifts to letters between Mina Harker and Lucy Westenra. These two sweet girls have been best friends for years and who face disaster when Lucy begins to walk in her sleep. In between these letters a News article is told in a narrators voice. From there the point of view shifts to Dr. Seward. His journal entries are more centered on facts and possible solutions. Along with Dr. Sewards entries, Professor Van Helsing does include his own thoughts on the problems and the solutions he views. This many shifts in point of view normally wouldnt work, and cause the story to seem disjointed. Since the shifts are journal or diary entries, Stoker uses transitions well and makes the shifts not abrupt and work for the plot. One of the major themes in Dracula is the concept of Christian Salvation. This theme starts in the beginning as Harker is traveling to Castle Dracula. The locals cross themselves, make the sign of the cross, and one puts a Rosary around Jonathon Harkers neck. We see Stoker using the theme that if a person will follow Christ salvation will be found in heaven and evil will be kept at bay. Another instance were Stoker is using the theme of Christian Salvation is when Van Helsing is brought into so save Lucy Westenra from the vampire hold. After the Count arrives at London he begins his affair with Lucy, but not in the usual sense. The Count chooses beautiful women, then seduces and converts her while she sleeps. As Mina and Dr. Seward strive to keep Lucy alive, Professor Van Helsing arrives to aid Seward in saving Lucy. After realizing that Lucy is a vampire, a cross is kept around at all times Even though Lucy did become a vampire, it was through Christian Salvation that Van Helsing tr ied to save her. Throughout the novel Bram Stoker deals with the theme of beast versus humanity. The idea of same-sex erotica also confuses what it means to be a sexual being. The novel does not dismiss homoerotic desire and threat; rather it simply continues to diffuse and displace it (Craft 111). As seen in the combination of male blood during the transfusion scene, men may only touch each other through women; therefore Dracula uses the hyper-sexuality of the mutated women he controls in order to get to the men he really wants. He is the original supreme vampire and uses his offshoots of female vampires to enact his will and desire. My jackals [will] do my bidding when I want to feed, he claims (Stoker 360). For this reason, among others, numerous scholars have read the processes of biting, sucking, and sharing blood in Dracula as sexual, reproductive actions. Throughout the Dracula book I am now more clearly understand the culture and lifestyle of the 15th century. However, more important than the meaning behind the tangible concluding events, is the fact that within Dracula are the ever-present struggles to define, maintain, manipulate, and explore what it means to be a sexual being; to struggle with duality. Stoker stretches the concept until it becomes as distorted as his master villain, yet in the process, brings the reader closer to discovering the true spectrum of human sexuality.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

My Friends Mom Has Cancer :: Personal Narrative Smoking Essays

My Friend's Mom Has Cancer It was a beautiful summer day down in Phoenix and the first day of my junior year of high school. All of my friends were waiting for me outside on the wall, which is right outside of BigB’s. The wall on the side of BigB has a mural of the world with every color of peoples skin on it. I was in love with that mural throughout high school because it meant something to all of those who went to Alhambra. There are not any trees out there since it is Phoenix and the gravel always made my shoes look dull every Tuesday when I had to wear my JROTC uniform. I always hated going in there but the soda was cheep and so was the water, which is always good on those hot summer days. Ashley, Michelle, and I get out of Michelle’s mom’s car. Michelle’s mom is like my second mom and has been that way as long as I can remember. Joyce would drive us to school and on Tuesday’s she would pick us up. The only thing going through my mind is who is going to be b uying my smokes this year. Little did I know how much things were going to change for us. We walk over to our friends who thanks to me we all knew. Ashley leaves for class and Michelle and I decide who is paying for this pack. Neither one of us would buy one for ourselves. The year gets going I can already tell it is going to be a very long year I just got my first job and had no time for my friends. Now it was the middle of January and Michelle comes up to me while we are sitting on the wall and she looks very unhappy. Joyce had not driven us to school that today because of a doctor’s appointment but I had not thought anything of it. I could tell she was unhappy although she had not said a word. Since it was a Tuesday and I was in uniform. I really was not supposed to be smoking but I was any way. I offered Michelle a smoke because I thought it would calm her down but she did not take it. That was when I knew that there was something definitely wrong with her.

Friday, October 11, 2019

My Dreamed Husband

Good afternoon everyone present. Today, I would like to talk about â€Å"My Dreamed Husband†. We all have very high expectations or ideals about our future husbands. It is quite natural to have preconceived ideas about our future husbands. It will indeed, be rare to find a husband with all the virtues and qualities that we exalt. Perhaps that is the reason why some relationships that have strong initial potential tend to become sour. It is not wrong to have dreams and fantasies about our future husbands but they should remain just that – dreams and fantasies. In reality we have to adapt ourselves and accommodate our spouses’ faults and shortcomings to make marriages successful alliances. I also have my dreams and fantasies of how my dreamed husband should be. In the first place, he should be a gem of character with a heart of gold. Good character and personality traits top my list of priorities. I would not want a man with Mel Gibson’s physique or Robert Redford’s charm because, then, he would be sought after by every other woman and if he happens to have a roving eye, then he may be unfaithful. No, I would prefer a man with average looks but who has a good reputation and without any major flaws in his character. My dreamed husband should also share some of my interests. I am an extrovert and I enjoy socializing and meeting people. Similarly, I would also expect my dreamed husband to be outgoing and friendly. I also enjoy shopping and travelling. I have expensive hobbies and therefore tend to be extravagant. It is, therefore, quite natural for me to expect my husband to be thrifty and who would, at the same time, try to curb my spending habits. Although I would like my dreamed husband with a financially secure job, I would not like him to be over-ambitious and put his career above his family. If his focus is solely on enhancing his career prospects, he might neglect his family. He might also insist that I stay home and take care of the children. As I hope to be a career woman, I will not be satisfied to be a mere housewife. I would love to be financially independent. Like most girls, I hope that I can find a perfect man in my future. He does not have to be a gorgeous-looking man but he must be a loving and responsible man. Not only should he be a good conversationalist but he should also have a good sense of humor. That, in a nutshell, are some the things I look for in my dreamed husband.

Thursday, October 10, 2019


In his â€Å"Letter from a Birmingham Jail†, Martin Luther King Jr. writes that there are just laws and unjust laws. He argues this first from a religious point of view and then from a logical one. First, King argues that laws that create segregation are immoral in that they do not impart God’s love to every man equally.Furthermore, they rely on separation, the ultimate punishment God inflicts on man, as a method of punishing other men, regardless of whether they have sinned. Since the letter is written to his fellow clergymen, the moral argument about unjust laws is appropriate in the context. However, it is his logical diatribe against unjust laws that most clearly and eloquently makes the argument against the state of the South in 1963.From a religious standpoint, King defines an unjust law as one that conflicts with God’s laws (King, 1963). From a logical, non-religious standpoint, he argues that an unjust law is one which the majority inflicts upon the minor ity and does not hold itself to.   The basic concept means that if the majority makes a law saying that they may kill anyone of color, but the people of color cannot kill them or one another, then the law is unfairly applied and therefore unjust.King argues that many of these laws look much less vexing on the surface as they appear to have been placed on all people by all people, but he reminds us that appearances can be deceiving. King points out that segregation laws adopted by the Alabama legislature had virtually no input from African-Americans citizens of Alabama because the state had so thoroughly abused the voting rights act that there were counties in Alabama where the majority of the population was African-American and not a single African-American was registered to vote there (King, 1963).King also points out that what is legal is not always what is right. For example, he cites the Hungarian Freedom fighters in World War II. By the rule of law, the treatment of Jews by N azi Germany was legal, but it was unjust (King, 1963). It was only right, he says, for those with good moral standing to aid and lend comfort to the Jews, despite the fact that it was illegal.In the same way, it was only right in Birmingham, 1963, for protestors to give aid to the African-Americans who were being unduly oppressed by their state and local governments. African-Americans had been granted the right to vote by an amendment to the U.S. Constitution, yet unjust laws like the grandfather’s clause and poll taxes and literacy tests were put in place to prevent the fair execution of the law of the land. In short, King’s argument was that the law was in conflict with itself and needed to be revised.King’s letter appropriately described the events leading to the situation and other steps which had been taken to try to change the unjust laws, but argues that eventually it becomes necessary to take direct action to force the opposition’s hand. The prote sts in Birmingham were made to force the city to recognize the unjust laws and to begin good faith negotiations to change them.King points out that there had been several attempts at negotiation previously and that promises made to the African-American community went unfulfilled. He argued that laws, especially when they are not uniformly applied, can also be unjust. For example, prior to Brown v. the Board of Education, school segregation was legal so long as schools were â€Å"separate but equal†. King points out that everyone was aware that they were separate and not equal, but only the separate portion of the law was being applied.Finally, King makes it clear that civil disobedience is a valid option when the law is unfair. He argues that one can only be told to wait for change so long before it becomes clear that wait really means never (King, 1963). King calls righteous people to action, arguing that when the will of the people is to eliminate unjust laws then it will b ecome reality. REFERENCESKing, Jr., Martin Luther. â€Å"Letter from a Birmingham Jail.† July 9, 2007.

Executive Summary for Non Profit Essay

The Chinmaya Organization for Rural Development (CORD) was established in 1985 in Himachal Pradesh, India. CORD started its work by providing Rural Primary Health Care to the surrounding under developed villages in the area. However whilst engaging closely with the rural communities CORD soon realized that critical healthcare issues were inextricably intertwined with the harsh reality of rural India’s poverty, illiteracy, and gender discrimination, all of which hinted at the formidable walls of social and economic disparities to be overcome. The CORD program soon recharged and reshaped its approach to be more holistic and as a result, an integrated rural development model emerged which was successful and could be replicated with local modifications. Our mission at CORD is to facilitate integrated, sustainable social help programs in local communities and in the Indian subcontinent through processes of self-empowerment and enrichment. CORD programs and services have been designed based on dynamic and vibrant interactions with thousands of villagers. CORD’s strength and success has been due to its coalition with villagers, where there is cooperative effort to organize, build, and find relevant solutions to personal, familial, and communal concerns. The services provided by CORD are: Holistic Programs, Services and Course Modules Local Self Governance Community-Based Livelihood with access to micro credit through Self Help Groups, User Groups, and Activity Groups Health, Nutrition, Hygiene, and Sanitation Rehabilitation and Management of Persons with Disabilities Natural Resource Management Social Justice, Legal Assistance, and Gender Sensitization Program Community driven initiatives to change issues like gender discrimination, caste discrimination, female feticide, HIV-AIDS, adult literacy, optimal utilization of services, schemes, and infrastructure provided by the government, Outreach Rural Program to treat alcohol through â€Å"Sinclair Method† CORD has an urgent need for upgraded facilities to meet the increasing demand for trained workers to live and serve in rural India. CORD is seeking a total of $1.4 million for a New CORD Training Centre located in Sidhbari, Himachal Pradesh, India. The New CORD Training Centre will be an experiential learning institute where people will come to understand how to serve at the grassroots level of rural development and to implement projects in the developing world. Currently, the CORD Training Centre, which is being rented in Sidhbari, is not sufficient to meet CORD’s demand for on-site experiential learning. CORD has purchased 3,744 square meters of land near the existing CORD Training Centre in Sidhbari. The proposed New CORD Training Centre includes a multi-purpose hall, a presentation & exhibition hall, kitchen & dormitory building and a twin-sharing hostel. The aim is to have the Training Centre ready for use by 2017. Combining the New CORD Training Centre with its 28 years of rural development experiential learning, CORD has the opportunity to share its innovative approach to integrated participatory rural development for practitioners around the world. The New CORD Training Centre will allow CORD to leverage its role as a leading centre of experiential learning by expanding the number and type of participants and scope of programs offered. It will also enable CORD to develop and deliver a substantially broader and deeper set of rural development trainings to significantly greater numbers of participants than the current training outcomes. Academic training alone does not prepare development workers to face the breadth of challenges that they will encounter in the villages. This training offers advance advantage to trainees due to its emphasis on experiential learning. With the enhanced capabilities of the New CORD Training Centre, CORD will expand its mission of development in rural India as follows: Benefits of the New Training Centre Provide development practitioners and students with field-based practical tools and approaches to implement new and enhanced rural development projects worldwide. Serve as a technical resource and contribute to the base of knowledge on integrated, participatory approaches of rural development, particularly addressing gender inequality and women’s empowerment. Advocate for continued resources and focus on integrated, rural development issues in India. Provide accommodation and meeting space to meet increasing demand for additional trainings for those interested in rural development. Expand trainings to NGO, university, government, and corporate functionaries interested in rural development within India and the world. Over the past 28 years, CORD has worked to empower people through development rather than through welfare interventions. CORD has helped over 500,000 poor and marginalized Indians transform their own lives through programs driven by them. Through CORD’s high-impact, sustainable programs, over 1,000 villages in four Indian states are on the path of integrated transformation. CORD has trained over 33,000 functionaries from the government, non-profit, and banking sectors, as well as community leaders, to promote self-help groups and access to micro-credit. These trainings involved participants from throughout India and were conducted in collaboration with the National Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development (â€Å"NABARD)† and different departments of the Indian government. CORD is led by an inspiring and inspired team of individual and at the helm we have Dr Kshma Metre – National Director for CORD. Dr. Kshma Metre, a pediatrician by profession has dedicated her life to CORD. Her development work began in 1985 in Sidhbari, Himachal Pradesh with mother and child health services. Soon, with input and feedback from the community, forward and backward linkages were built based on their needs. The participatory development model which emerged as a result, empowered the community to be self respecting and self reliant. Dr. Kshma Metre has won numerous awards and recognitions for her contributions to rural development and women empowerment. CORD believes that empowerment is the key to change and development. Resources donated to the New CORD Training Centre will provide a premier facility for which CORD will be able to advance its mission of facilitating integrated and sustainable development in rural. The total cost of implementation for the training center is $1.4 million. Your investment of $50,000 will build towards the funding to fully implement this path breaking project, and we are excited about the prospect of partnering with you. Through your philanthropic donation you will not only be able to form a connection with and but empower those in need by making them self-reliant. Thank you for your consideration of our request.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Introduction to Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Introduction to Business Law - Essay Example Mischief Rule of statutory interpretation gives authority to the judge to interpret the law by bearing in mind the common law before passing of the rule. Is is applied in cases where ambiguity occurs in the law. Thus this rule aims to understand the defect and also to provide solutions which would correct the situation if implemented. A popular case that came under the Mischief rule was Smith vs. Hughes. In this case, prostitutes were charged for recruiting clients from a public place while within the confines of a private area, which were the windows that overlooked the street. Under the Street Offenses Act of 1959, it is illegal to attract clients with the intention of offering sex services on the streets. The defendants pleaded that they had not attracted clients on the streets but were within their own homes. The literal Rule as the name suggests allows the judge to give out a ruling by taking into account the literal meaning of the word since they do not affect the ruling on the case. The judge, in this case, does not have to consider the meaning or the implications behind words or sentences such as in the case of the previous laws. This is usually the most preferred rule of statutory interpretation. An example of this is the R Vs Harris case under which the defendant harmed the victim by biting his nose. Since the law considers stabbing, cutting or wounding a person through an instrument as a crime, therefore the defendant was acquitted since he did not commit the crime in the literal sense (Caven, 2004).

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Law Bachelor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Law Bachelor - Essay Example Yang. So, Ying and Yang cannot enforce Mei's initial offer. Intention:Mei, Ying and Yang were colleagues, and not professional gamblers. The general presumption is that there was no legal intention involved. However, the presumption can be rebutted, taking into consideration the seriousness of the consequences. But assessed objectively, the presumption can't be set aside due to the lack of any written or verbal contract acceptance of Mei's initial offer. Consideration: Finally, Mei refused to share the winnings, although initially she volunteered to "buy one last ticket on behalf of them all". Courts will not intervene, for a contract didn't exist at all. It was a verbal contract till four weekly tickets were purchased with the $120 won from the first ticket. The final instance is an evidence akin to Australian Woollen Mills Pty Ltd v Commonwealth (1954). Mei's proposal was merely a statement and not an offer capable of acceptance. This mentioned clearly in: " what is alleged to be an offer should have been intended to give rise, on the doing of the act to an obligationin the absence of such an intention, actual or imputed, the alleged offer cannot lead to a contract: there is indeed in such a case no true offer." (Graw Stephen, An Introduction to the Contract 5th edition, Lawbook Co. 2005, p. 41) . Question 2 Ying was tired of her long musical career so on 3 April she offered to sell her piano to Molly for $3500, saying that she would keep the offer open for ten days. Molly already had two pianos in her shop and was therefore reluctant to buy it. However, always ready to try for a bargain, she replied on 6 April with a verbal offer to buy it for $2500. This was not acceptable to Ying. In the meantime, Molly had... During 2003 the life of an Aboriginal artist, Albert Namatjira, was celebrated in a number of ways, including an exhibition in the Art Gallery of South Australia of his paintings from the 1930's to 1958. Albert Namatjira had a number of relatives who also produced similar paintings of varying quality. Albert's paintings are more valuable than those of other family members. Boondok, a dealer in paintings, located a painting of a desert landscape in colour with the name 'Namatjira' written in the bottom corner of the painting. He paid $50 for it. This painting was painted by one of Albert's cousins and was worth approximately $500. Boondok knew this. Albert Namatjira always signed his paintings, 'Albert Namatjira' in the bottom corner of each painting he did. Boondok placed his landscape painting in his gallery's front window with a price tag of $8,000 on it. Tex, a tourist, saw Boondok's painting on display. Tex said to Boondok, " I have always wanted a genuine Namatjira and here it is. I will buy it." Boondok replied, "It is always nice to buy something that pleases you. Hope you enjoy the painting." The plaintiff bought a bottle of wine from the defendant.The plaintiff was injured due to the sudden ejection of a hidden stopper when he opened the bottle at his home.